New Company vs. Shelf Company in Singapore

Ways to start a business in Singapore

The Singapore Company Law is very flexible with foreign investors allowing them to establish different types of companies or to purchase an already-made company, also known as a shelf company. Each type of company comes with its own advantages and the investor will usually decide upon the entity to use depending on several factors. If you want to open a company in Singapore and need assistance in selecting the right type of structure, our specialists in company incorporation can help you.

You can also watch the viedo below created by our Singapore company formation team for a comparison between new companies and shelf companies:

Why choose a shelf company in Singapore?

The necessity of starting operating as soon as possible is what usually drives foreign enterprisers to buy a Singapore shelf company. The reduced amount of time is also one of the greatest advantages when deciding between a shelf company and a new company in Singapore. Another advantage of this type of company is their age: one can incorporate a foreign company’s history in the shelf company and thus gain credibility in front of customers and partners in Singapore. Another advantage of the shelf company is that the investor can bring several changes to the name and structure of the company. Our team of experts in company formation in Singapore can tell you more about the advantages of buying a ready-made company.

Why select to open a new company in Singapore?

Even if the shelf company has great advantages, some foreign entrepreneurs will decide in favor of registering a brand new company. Their decision is usually based on the fact that they can select from the beginning the type of structure they want to use and they also keep in mind the tax benefits they can take advantage of. Another important advantage of a new company compared to a shelf company is the incorporation costs. Buying a shelf company is slightly more expensive than costs related to the registration of a new business

What to choose: a shelf company or a new company in Singapore?

The decision on whether to buy a shelf company or open a new company in Singapore always depends on the investor’s intentions on how to use the entity. If you need specialized assistance in making the right choice you can request the services of our Singapore company formation agents who will provide you with all information about each type of company so you can make an informed decision.

Foreign investors can also contact us for nominee shareholder and director services when opening a company in Singapore. Our team can also help you open a bank account in Singapore for your company.

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